PC World Interactive 7
PC World Interactive 7.iso
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BASIC Source File
269 lines
Option Explicit
Function FTPCommand (CtlData As String) As Integer
On Error Resume Next
CtlData = CtlData & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)
Client.Socket1.SendLen = Len(CtlData)
Client.Socket1.SendData = CtlData
If Err <> 0 Then
FTPCommand = False
FTPCommand = True
End If
End Function
Function FTPConnect (HostName As String)
Dim CtlData As String, Reply As Integer
FTPConnect = False
If HostName = "" Then Exit Function
Client.Socket1.AddressFamily = AF_INET
Client.Socket1.Protocol = IPPROTO_IP
Client.Socket1.Type = SOCK_STREAM
Client.Socket1.RemotePort = IPPORT_FTP
Client.Socket1.HostName = HostName
Client.Socket1.Binary = False
Client.Socket1.BufferSize = 1024
Client.Socket1.Blocking = True
On Error Resume Next
Client.Socket1.Action = SOCKET_CONNECT
If Err Then
MsgBox Error$
Exit Function
End If
Reply = FTPResult(CtlData)
If Reply = 220 Then
FTPConnect = True
Client.Socket1.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
End If
End Function
Sub FTPGetDirectory ()
Dim CtlData As String
If Not FTPCommand("PWD") Then Exit Sub
If FTPResult(CtlData) <> 257 Then Exit Sub
CtlData = Mid$(CtlData, 2, InStr(CtlData, " ") - 3)
Client.RemotePath.Caption = CtlData
End Sub
Function FTPGetFile (RemoteFile As String, LocalFile As String)
Dim CtlData As String, Buffer As String
Dim Result As Integer
FTPGetFile = False
If RemoteFile = "" Or LocalFile = "" Then Exit Function
If Not FTPListen() Then Exit Function
If Not FTPCommand("RETR " & RemoteFile) Then Exit Function
If FTPResult(CtlData) <> 150 Then
Client.Socket2.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
Exit Function
End If
Client.Socket2.Action = SOCKET_ACCEPT
On Error Resume Next
Open LocalFile For Binary As #1
If Err Then
MsgBox Error$
Client.Socket2.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
Exit Function
End If
FTPGetFile = True
Client.Socket2.RecvLen = 4096
Buffer = Client.Socket2.RecvData
If Err Then
FTPGetFile = False
MsgBox Error$
Exit Do
End If
If Client.Socket2.RecvLen = 0 Then Exit Do
Put #1, , Buffer
Close #1
Client.Socket2.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
Result = FTPResult(CtlData)
End Function
Function FTPListen ()
Dim Port As Integer, Address As String
Dim Reply As Integer, CtlData As String
Dim I As Integer, P As Integer
FTPListen = False
Client.Socket2.AddressFamily = AF_INET
Client.Socket2.Binary = True
Client.Socket2.Blocking = True
Client.Socket2.BufferSize = 0
Client.Socket2.HostAddress = INADDR_ANY
Client.Socket2.LocalPort = IPPORT_ANY
Client.Socket2.Protocol = IPPROTO_TCP
Client.Socket2.Timeout = 0
Client.Socket2.Type = SOCK_STREAM
Client.Socket2.Action = SOCKET_LISTEN
Port = Client.Socket2.LocalPort
Address = Client.Socket2.LocalAddress
For I = 1 To 3
P = InStr(Address, ".")
If P <> 0 Then Mid$(Address$, P, 1) = ","
Next I
CtlData = "PORT " & Address & "," & (Port \ 256) & "," & (Port Mod 256)
If Not FTPCommand(CtlData) Then GoTo OpenFailed
If FTPResult(CtlData) <> 200 Then GoTo OpenFailed
If Client.BinaryTransfer.Value = 1 Then
CtlData = "TYPE I"
CtlData = "TYPE A"
End If
If Not FTPCommand(CtlData) Then GoTo OpenFailed
If FTPResult(CtlData) <> 200 Then GoTo OpenFailed
FTPListen = True
Exit Function
If Client.Socket2.Listening Then Client.Socket2.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
Exit Function
End Function
Function FTPLogin (Username As String, Password As String) As Integer
Dim CtlData As String, Reply As Integer
Dim Counter As Integer
FTPLogin = False
If Client.Socket1.IsReadable Then
Reply = FTPResult(CtlData)
End If
While Reply = 220 And Client.Socket1.IsReadable
Reply = FTPResult(CtlData)
CtlData = "USER " & Username
If Not FTPCommand(CtlData) Then Exit Function
Reply = FTPResult(CtlData)
If Reply = 331 Then
CtlData = "PASS " & Password
If Not FTPCommand(CtlData) Then Exit Function
Reply = FTPResult(CtlData)
End If
While Reply = 230 And Client.Socket1.IsReadable
Reply = FTPResult(CtlData)
If Reply = 230 Then
FTPLogin = True
MsgBox "Invalid user name or password"
End If
End Function
Function FTPPutFile (LocalFile As String, RemoteFile As String)
Dim CtlData As String, Buffer As String * 4096
Dim Result As Integer, Size As Long
FTPPutFile = False
If RemoteFile = "" Or LocalFile = "" Then Exit Function
If Not FTPListen() Then Exit Function
If Not FTPCommand("STOR " & RemoteFile) Then Exit Function
If FTPResult(CtlData) <> 150 Then
Client.Socket2.Action = SOCKET_ABORT
Exit Function
End If
Client.Socket2.Action = SOCKET_ACCEPT
On Error Resume Next
Size = FileLen(LocalFile)
If Err Then
Client.Socket2.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
MsgBox Error$
Exit Function
End If
Open LocalFile For Binary As #1
If Err Then
Client.Socket2.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
MsgBox Error$
Exit Function
End If
FTPPutFile = True
Get #1, , Buffer
If Size < Len(Buffer) Then
Client.Socket2.SendLen = Size
Size = 0
Client.Socket2.SendLen = Len(Buffer)
Size = Size - Len(Buffer)
End If
Client.Socket2.SendData = Buffer
If Err > 0 Then
FTPPutFile = False
MsgBox Error$
Exit Do
End If
If Size = 0 Then Exit Do
Close #1
Client.Socket2.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
Result = FTPResult(CtlData)
End Function
Function FTPResult (CtlData As String) As Integer
Dim SockData As String, Reply As Integer
Client.Socket1.RecvLen = 255
SockData = Client.Socket1.RecvData
Debug.Print SockData
Reply = Val(Left$(SockData, 3))
If Mid$(SockData, 4, 1) = "-" Then
Client.Socket1.RecvLen = 255
SockData = Client.Socket1.RecvData
If Val(Left$(SockData, 3)) = Reply Then Exit Do
Debug.Print SockData
End If
CtlData = Right$(SockData, Len(SockData) - InStr(SockData, " "))
FTPResult = Reply
End Function